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Jepster Togle Films


Jepster Togle Films

Spearheaded by Jepster Togle himself, Jepster Togle films aims to “Capture Life, in every Frame” by employing his vast knowledge of cinematography and editing tecniques to tell the stories of those special events in people’s lives. At Jepster Togle Films, they believe that a beautiful and emotionally-charged masterpiece is not the responsibility of the videographer alone as it is the couple’s happiness and love that takes center stage. The videographer is merely there to express and translate it well for them on screen.Through Jepster’s cinematic vision and discipline of perfection, he delivers videoes with polished quality but more importantly, one with a heart and soul. Covering events since 2009, Jepster Togle has a penchant and a flair for getting the best shots out of your biggest moments and lives. These are the moments shot on video that bring life to the event and are therefore what makes your event unique and special.


Mobile Phone:


Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines

+63 917 847 4968

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